The Marvel United Legacy Campaign, including all rules and resources, was created by boxcutter_rebellion on reddit. This web app is simply a tool to facilitate playing his fantastic add-on to the Marvel United game system. You can find his post with links to resources, rules, etc. on this Legacy Mode at their Reddit post. All of the resources created for this format, including the rulebook, can be found on BoardGameGeek.
This page will handle increasing Campaign tracks automatically, and even handle adding Events according to each Campaign's rules. It will remove and add Heroes to the Hero pool automatically but will NOT handle hero recruitment and retirement. Hero recruitment and retirement must be handled for players on the Heroes page.
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This page shows all Events and allows users to view them and add or remove them from the Event Deck. This should not be needed for adding and removing Events during normal gameplay.
This page shows all Campaign cards and allows users to keep track of their progress. Users will can manually increment a counter for each Campaign as necessary, as well as manually handle the effects of the Campaign rules, but it should not be necessary during normal play.
This page shows all Heroes in the game and allows the viewing of their Ultimate cards. Users will be able to manage their Hero pool and assign Heroes to one of their players. The adding and removing of Heroes to and from the Hero Pool should be handled automatically during normal gameplay, but the recruitment and retirement of Heroes to and from individual players will have to be manually handled. This page is synched to the server so that it can be opened on multiple devices at once. This allows all players to have their own view of the Hero page and manually keep track of their Heroes at the same time.