The Marvel United Legacy Campaign, including all rules and resources, was created by boxcutter_rebellion on reddit. This web app is simply a tool to facilitate playing his fantastic add-on to the Marvel United game system. You can find his post with links to resources, rules, etc. on this Legacy Mode at their Reddit post. All of the resources created for this format, including the rulebook, can be found on BoardGameGeek.

You can find the original rules document Here

Marvel United Legacy Campaign Rules


The Marvel United Legacy Campaign combines all the Marvel United content from both the original and X-Men campaigns. Through your play, you will encounter all villains, challenges, and modes (with the sole exception of Supervillain Mode).

Playing in Legacy Mode is designed to be as easy as possible. One of the core design rules for developing the mode was to keep things simple and, where possible, make it even easier to set up a game.

What you need to play

The Legacy Mode combines the All-In content from Marvel United and Marvel United: X-Men. Each player will need a box to store their heroes, cards, locations, and tokens (the expansion set boxes are great for this).

Included in the Legacy Mode is:

Playing without all the Marvel United content

If you don’t have an All-In version of Marvel United, this Legacy Mode should still work, however the mode does assume you have at least a large amount of content for the game – especially villains. Event cards will often reference villains, heroes, locations, challenges, or modes. If you do not have the referenced components, ignore the reference.

If you draw an event card that tells you to fight a villain that you don’t have, skip the fight. Treat the event as if you had won the game and go straight to the Victory section of the event card.

Game Setup

To set up the Legacy Mode, follow the instructions below.

Player Storage

In the Legacy Mode, each player keeps their own collection of Heroes, Locations, tokens, and other components. Players select Heroes and Locations from their own Roster throughout the game. Each player will need a box to keep their components separate from other players. The expansion boxes are perfect for this, and can store all your cards, miniatures, locations, and tokens.

You will also need to keep track of Crisis tokens.

All components for this Legacy Mode will be tracked through this web app, so you don't need to print them out and manage them. Events and most Campaigns are handled automatically through the Event Deck and should not need to be managed. Heroes are added and removed from the Hero Pool, but Hero recruitment, retirement, and leveling up must be done manually on the Heroes page.

Event Cards

The Legacy Mode adds a deck of Event cards that will guide your journey. Each Event card has a number in the top-right corner (or an ‘X’). When you first start the Campaign, an EVENT DECK is created using the first 12 Event cards. The rest of the Event cards will be added as the game progresses.

This web app automatically handles managing the Events. The Deck page offers a view of Events as well as manual management if desired, but it should not be needed to run a normal game.

Hero Pool

In the Legacy Mode, players will use their own personal collection of Heroes through the campaign. You will recruit new Heroes into your collection, usually taken randomly from the HERO POOL. At the beginning of the campaign, this pool only includes around half of the total Heroes. See the Appendix at the end of this document for a list of the initial heroes in the Hero Pool.

This web app automatically handles the adding and removing of Heroes from the Hero Pool. However, Hero recruitment, retirement, and leveling up must be done manually on the Heroes page. It is recommended that each player maintains a personal view of the game's Hero page, filtered by their Player number. This way they can personally manage their roster of Heroes. The Heroes page will remain synched with the game even if multiple pages are open at the same time.

Campaign Track Cards

The Legacy Mode includes 7 Campaign tracks. These track the progress of various big events in your campaign. Campaign tracks will be increased during the course of the game, which cause further rules to trigger as the tracks fill up.

This web app automatically handles managing most of the Campaigns. The tracks will be updated automatically as the game progresses. The Campaigns page offers a view of Campaigns as well as manual management if desired, but it should not be needed to run a normal game. The only exception to this is the Age of Apocalypse Campaign. This camnpaign triggers its rule if at the end of a game, players have 4 or more Crisis tokens. If this occurs, then the user must manually increase the track for this campaign, which will then trigger its rule.

Starting Heroes and Locations

Throughout the Legacy Mode, each player will collect a stable of Heroes and Locations that they will use in each game. Before beginning the campaign, you will need to draft your Heroes and Locations. See the next two sections for details.

Hero Draft

Take the following heroes (the heroes from the Marvel United core box and the blue Heroes from the Marvel United: X-Men core box), and place them in the middle of the table:

The first player selects any 1 of these Heroes and adds the Hero to their Roster (player box). Players proceed clockwise around the table, each selecting a hero in turn, until 12 of the 13 starting heroes are chosen. Return the leftover hero to the game box. Each player then takes the Hero Ultimate card for each of the Heroes in their Roster.

Use the Heroes page to assign 12 of these 13 starting heroes to the players.

Location Draft

Take the Locations included in the Marvel United core box and the Marvel United: X-Men core box, shuffle them all together, and deal 4 Locations to each player.

Setup Checklist

Playing the Campaign


Playing the Legacy Mode is simple. At the beginning of each play session, shuffle the Event deck and draw the top card. Follow the instructions on the card, which often includes setting up and playing a game of Marvel United. If you play a game, depending on whether you win or lose, you will then follow the blue ‘Victory’ or red ‘Defeat’ instructions on the Event card. Once an Event card is fully resolved, draw the next Event card.

Users will primarily be using the Main page to run the game. From that page, they can draw cards from their Event Deck and resolve them. When resolved, the web app will automaticlaly handle adding/removing events, increasing Campaign tracks, and adding and removing Heroes form the Hero Pool.

As you play games, you will Recruit and Retire new heroes, your Heroes will gain XP and Level-Up, and you will play through the entire contents of Marvel United in a light story-driven experience!

Draw an Event Card

Draw the top card of the Event deck. If the Event card has a Villain name listed under the title of the Event, set up and play a game using that Villain. If the Event card does NOT have a Villain listed under the title of the card (whether it has a picture of a Villain or not), simply follow the special rules of the card, then draw another Event card. If the event card has any check boxes in the special rules section, then the Event card is meant to be played a specific number of times before its rules are activated. Each box should be marked each time the Event is resolved, and then the rule is folowed once the last box is marked.

The web app will automatically track each time an Event card is resolved and automatically handle rule resolution.

Villain Events

A Villain Event card has the name of a Villain under the title. Set up a game of Marvel United using that Villain. Follow the special rules of the Event card during this game. Many event cards have special SETUP instructions, which you need to follow during setup of the game. Other special rules must be followed throughout the course of the game, whenever those special rules are triggered.

Crisis Events

Many Event cards have 1 or more Crisis symbols. When you encounter this symbol, check your Campaign box and see if you have collected any Crisis tokens. If you have, discard 1 Crisis token for each Crisis symbol listed on the Event card, and then perform the instructions underneath the Crisis symbol/s once FOR EACH CRISIS SYMBOL YOU DISCARDED.

For example, there might be an event:

If the players collectively have 2 Crisis tokens, they will add both tokens to Mastermind's starting Location. If they have 4 Crisis tokens, they only add 3 of them to Mastermind's starting location, and keep the remaining Crisis token in their Campaign box.

The Main page should handle tracking the game's Crisis token pool automatically. Certain Events have unique rules that will require the user to manually adjust their Crisis token pool, so the rules for each Event must be read carefully.


After the game, if you won against the Villain, do the following in order:

When choosing a player to Recruit a hero, you may freely discuss which player will gain a Hero. If you prefer more structure, the player with the fewest Heroes in their Roster Recruits a Hero. If players tie for the fewest Heroes, the player who went first in the game breaks ties.


When choosing a player to Retire a hero, you may freely discuss which player will lose a Hero. If you prefer more structure, the player with the most Heroes in their Roster Retires a Hero. If players tie for the most Heroes, the player who went first in the game breaks ties.

Story Events

A Story Event card does not have a Villain listed under the title, and does not have Victory or Defeat instructions. When you draw a Story Event card, follow all instructions in the special rules section of the card, then draw another Event card.

Hero Ultimates

Heroes each have a Unique Ultimate card, that reflects their personalities and powers, but you must unlock their special power by playing games with that Hero. After each game, win or lose, you will mark one of the XP boxes on the Ultimate card matching the Hero you used in the game by increasing the Count for the Hero on the heroes page.

When all the XP boxes are marked on a Hero’s Ultimate card, that Hero gains their Ultimate effect. In every game from now on, when you use that hero, the special effects of the Ultimate card are in play for the entirety of the game. Every Ultimate effect is unique, but most have a trigger of some kind (like playing an Action token, an overflow, or some other effect).

Many Ultimate effects tell you to flip the card. When you flip an Ultimate card, you may no longer use the special effect of the card (unless it is flipped back by another Ultimate card effect). Players will have to keep track of whether or not they have used such effects in the game themselves.

Important Concepts

Event Cards

There are two types of Event card in the Legacy Mode. Villain Events have a Villain name under the Event title, as well as a Victory (blue) and Defeat (red) box at the bottom of the card. When you draw a Villain Event card, set up a game against the indicated Villain, using any special rules noted on the Event card. When the game is over, clicking the Victory or Defeat options on the Main page will automatically trigger their corresponding effects regarding Events, Campaigns, and adding/removing Heroes from the Hero Pool. Hero recruitment and retirement, as well as other game effects such as gaining tokens, levelling up heroes, etc., must be done in person.

Other Event cards do not list a Villain, and do not have Victory or Defeat instructions. When you draw one of these Event cards, simply follow all instructions on the card, then draw another Event.

Event Card Symbols

There are three important symbols to be aware of on Event cards:

Add an Event card. When instructed to by this symbol, the web app will automaticall find the Event card with the matching number, and shuffle it into your Event deck. If the number is an ‘X’, the web app will take a random ‘X’ Event card and shuffle it in to your Event deck. If the symbol indicates a range of numbers (e.g. 23-25), the web app will find each Event card with a matching number and shuffle them all into your Event deck (in the previous example, Events 23, 24 and 25 would be added to your Event deck).

Destroy this Event. When the instructions have this symbol, the web app will automaticall remove this Event card from the game. It will no longer be used at all in this campaign.

Crisis Event. When you see 1 or more of these icons in the special rules of an Event card, only follow the instructions below the icon/s if you have any Crisis tokens in your Crisis token pool.

Event Card Special Rules

Below are listed all the keywords you might encounter in the special rules of an Event card.

Campaign Victory and Defeat

All players win the Legacy Mode when they have overcome all relevant Events in their Deck. This may mean that not all Campaigns or Events will be completed, as each playthrough will be different. The web app will alert the players to a Overall Victory when they try to draw a new Event from their Deck on the Main page.

Players lose the Legacy Mode when one of two things happens:

Hero Roster

Your Hero Roster is your own personal collection of Heroes. When you play a game of Marvel United, you may only select a Hero from your Hero Roster. Players can keep track of their roster on the Heroes page, which can be filtered by Player.

IF YOU DO NOT HAVE ANY HEROES LEFT IN YOUR ROSTER another player must give you one of their Heroes to add to your Roster. If no player can do this, you have collectively lost the campaign and must start over.


When setting up a game of Marvel United, each player will draw 3 Locations (4 in a 2-player game), then choose 2 of them to add to the game (3 each in a 2-player game). They put these Locations in a pile, then draw 6 to play with in that game. Set the other Locations aside, if any. If the Villain dashboard specifies a Location that must be included, replace 1 of the other Locations at random with the indicated Location.

At the end of the game, shuffle all Locations used in the game together (except ones that were added by Villain dashboards) and deal them out evenly to each player.

Unlike Heroes, who return to their player’s Roster, Locations are returned randomly to players after each game.

Recruiting and Retiring Heroes

Recruiting a Hero means to take the indicated Hero (or a random Hero) and add it to a player’s Roster. Retiring a Hero is the opposite; a player must remove a Hero from their Roster and return it to the Hero Pool. Heroes do not lose XP they have acquired when they Retire, and they may be Recruited again later by any player.

Player vs Hero

Event cards will often tell a PLAYER to gain or lose something (usually a token). This is different from a HERO gaining and losing things in a game. When a player gains or loses something, 1 player takes the indicated item and adds it to their player box.

Crisis tokens

When an Event card instructs you to take a Crisis token, take a Crisis token and add it to your Campaign box. All players collectively use the same pool of Crisis tokens. These tokens are used when an Event card has 1 or more Crisis symbols.

Reminder: Do not add Crisis tokens to your Campaign box from normal game effects. ONLY EVENT CARDS OR ULTIMATE CARDS will instruct you to add Crisis tokens to your campaign.

Supervillain Cards

When you are instructed to take a Supervillain card, shuffle the Supervillain card deck, draw the top card, and add it to your Campaign box.

During the SETUP step of a game of Marvel United, if there are any Supervillain cards in your Campaign box, take 1 at random and put in in play, near the Villain dashboard. During a game, if there is a Supervillain card in play, the first time the card trigger conditions are met, trigger the Supervillain card and resolve its effects.

If there is a choice to make on the Supervillain card, players may collectively choose how to resolve the card (this may end up benefiting the Heroes). If a Supervillain card refers to the Villain’s ‘hand’, draw 2 cards from the Master Plan deck, and use those cards as the Villain hand. Once the Supervillain card is resolved, return any unused Master Plan cards to the top of the Master Plan deck.


At several points during the campaign, you will be instructed to take a Challenge card. Add the Challenge card to your Campaign box.

During the SETUP of a game of Marvel United, if there are any Challenge cards in your Campaign box, take 1 at random and put it in play, following the normal steps for that Challenge.

Superhero cards

When you are instructed to gain a Superhero card, shuffle the Superhero cards together, draw the top card, and choose a player to gain that card. The chosen player adds the Superhero card to their player box.

During the SETUP step of a game, if you have a Superhero card, you may add that card to the game. If you choose to use the card, add it to your starting setup and follow any normal rules for using Superhero cards.


When an Event card instructs a player to gain a token of any kind (except Crisis tokens), choose 1 player to take that token from the supply and add it to their player box.

During the SETUP step of a game, if you have any tokens, you may choose to add 1 or more of them to this game. Take the chosen tokens and give them to your Hero.

At the end of the game, all tokens are lost as normal. You DO NOT return unused tokens to your player box.


A. Starting Hero Pool

Add the following Heroes to the starting Hero Pool. Other Heroes will be added to this Pool later in the Campaign, via effects of Event cards. When a Hero is Retired, they are returned to the Hero Pool.

B. Reserve Heroes

The following Heroes are not added to the Hero Pool at the start of a Campaign, and are not available for recruiting until an Event card adds them to the Hero Pool.

C. Crisis Event Examples

Here are a few examples of Crisis Events, and how to resolve them (this section contains some minor spoilers).

The Main page should handle tracking the game's Crisis token pool automatically. Certain Events have unique rules that will require the user to manually adjust their Crisis token pool, so the rules for each Event must be read carefully.

If you have any Crisis tokens in your Campaign box, discard one of them. You must then use a Hazardous Location in this game, if you are able.

If you have no Crisis tokens, ignore this Required Location rule.

If you have any Crisis tokens in your Campaign box: Discard up to 2 Crisis tokens, then replace the Clear Threats Mission with the Plan B version. For each Crisis token you discarded (up to 2), add a Civilian token from the supply to the Villain dashboard.

If you have no Crisis tokens, ignore all of the SETUP instructions on this card.

If you have any Crisis tokens in your Campaign box: Discard up to 4 Crisis tokens. For each token discarded, give a Hero a Crisis token from the supply.

During this game, if a Hero has any Crisis tokens at the start of their turn, they must play their card randomly, then discard a Crisis token

If you have no Crisis tokens during SETUP for this game, ignore all of the special rules on this Event card, even if a Hero later gains Crisis tokens